There are three (3) places where you enter "Hours" data within the CompenSage platform depending on how you organization is set-up and your payroll data is inputted.  The following table provides an overview of the hour options and how to use them.

NOTE: If you are entering all your compensation data as hourly rates, it is still important to enter the appropriate hours based on the table below, in order for the software to provide accurate total adjustment amounts and perform an Pay Equity Optimization analysis.

Tool Section (area)DefinitionWhen to use
Project Management (Standard Hours)The standard hours your organization works in a week or year.Always enter your standard project hours as CompenSage always attempts to determine hourly rates for each Job Class.
Standard hours are the default for calculating hour rates when Employee or Job hours are not provided.
Standard hours are also used for Pay Equity Adjustment amounts if the Employee or Job Hours are not provided.
Employee Data (Actual Hours)
The actual hours a single employee has worked in a given year.    Employee "Actual Hours" are used to calculate hourly rates and adjustment amounts for individual employees.  The "Actual Hours", if provided, will always be used if "Actual Earned Base" or "Actual Variable" is provided in the employee data section.

If an employee has worked a different amount of hours for any of the reasons listed below (non-exhaustive list), their hours should be provided in the Employee Data section even if all the Compensation Data provided is on an annual basis to ensure any Pay Equity Adjustments are accurate.

Potential reasons for an employee hours worked to be different than the standard hours may include:
1. Hired within the reporting period
2. Terminated within the reporting period
3. Part-time or seasonal employment
4. Employee has worked overtime  
If all your employees have worked the same number of hours in the year you are not required to enter information in the Employee Data section.
Note: Only employees not working the standard hours require employees hours, although adding the hours work all employees will not have a detrimental affect.
Job Data (Total Hours)The standard number of hours a specific Job Class is required to work in a one year period. This is only relevant if the entire Job Class works the same number of hours.Job Data "Total Hours" are used to determine hourly rates for a Job Class if "Highest Salary Band", "Target Variable", "Benefits" or "Other Compensation" data is provided, but "Total Hours" are only required if they differ from the Standard Hours in the Project Management section.
To clarify, Job Data hours are only required if the Job Class works a different amount of hours than the Standard Project Hours.

Examples of where this is relevant can include:
1. Outside or Factory Job Class with a different set of hours than office staff (or vice versa)
2. Seasonal Job Class only working a specific part of the year and compensation data is entered for the period of time the Job Class is employed.

Please view the following links for more information within each section:

Project Management

Employee Data

Job Data