As per Pay Equity legislation, when other methods of comparison are not viable Proportional Value is used to determine a male comparator rate. In order to determine an acceptable Male Pay Line all male Job Classes are first considered and the rsquared value of associated Male Pay Line is measured.  If the rsquared value is not at least .75 then the Compensation Tool removes male Job Classes, one at a time, with the farthest deviation from the male Pay Line until an acceptable rsquared value is identified. 

Find out more about Rquared value

Once a Male Pay Line with an acceptable rsquared value is identified, using the formula of the Male Line (y=mx+b), where y is the Job Rate and x is the Point Value (m-slope, b-y intercept), the Compensation Tool calculates the Proportional Value or what a male Job Class would be paid at the female Job Class point total. This value (Job Rate) is then used as the comparator Job Rate for the female Job Class.