Following the guidance of the Pay Equity legislation the Compensation Tool follows a number of steps to determine the male comparator Job Class as follows:

1.  Identify all male Job Classes within the Band

    a) Determine the Male Job Class with the lowest Job Rate

        i) If multiple Male Job Classes exist with the lowest Job Rate, the male Job Class with the lowest point total is selected.

2. If no male Job Classes exist within the female Job Class' band then the compensation tool will look for any male Job Classes with a lower point total and higher Job Rate.  If multiple are available it will identify the highest and this is by default the male comparator Job Class.

3. If no male Job Classes are identified within band and no lower evaluated / higher Job Rate male Job Classes exist the Compensation Tool will use Proportional Value to determine the comparator rate

Please see articles on Proportion Value to find out more information on how it is calculated.