A Pay Equity Plan is formal document that outlines the major components and aspects of your Pay Equity project and includes (but is not limited to):
Organization Information
Job Class identification and Gender
Evaluation Method
Comparison Method (including banding scenario, but may require additional information if the bands do not provide for direct Male to Female Job Class comparison)
Adjustments / outcomes of the Analysis
Whereas your Pay Equity analysis/comparisons is the actual comparison of Female to Male Job Classes either direct, through Proportion Value or lower band / higher paid Male Job to determine minimum Job Rates for female Job Classes and identify adjustments owing and/or required. Each Pay Equity analysis is completed on a annual basis whereas 1 Pay Equity Plan is created for each organization (multiple Pay Equity plans may exist for one organization based on existence of Bargaining Units and/or regional distribution of employees across Ontario).
A Pay Equity review officer will generally ask for your Pay Equity Plan initially if your company is being investigated and may only ask for you Pay Equity analysis/comparisons on an annual basis if they have questions regarding your plan or require further investigation.