Gender Neutral Comparison Systems (GNCS) also know as Job Evaluation Tools, are systems that allow you to compare all the Job Classes in your company to one another based on their relative value to your organization and are the required started point for Pay Equity in Ontario. The Compensation Tool uses the most common type of GNCS, a Point Table based evaluation system. The Standard HCI Job Evaluation Tool uses a 1000 point system (all Jobs are evaluated between 0 and 1000 with 100 points being the lowest score possible – as all jobs have a value).
A GNCS measures Skill, Effort, Responsibility and Working Conditions for each Job Class and determines a relative value within the organization. As per the Pay Equity Act in Ontario there are no restrictions on the required sub-factors and weightings within these factors, but the GNCS chosen by your organization must fairly represent all Jobs in your Organization. Our Standard HCI Job Evaluation Tool has been used across many different organizations and sectors in Ontario and can be customized to suit your organization either through a consultant or on your own.
In a Point Table based GNCS, each sub-factor within the falls under the main factors of Skill, Effort, Responsibility and Working Conditions as required by the Pay Equity Act in Ontario and Quebec. Each sub-factor contains a set number of levels which can be present in Job Classes within your organizations. Each subfactor is attributed a weight, which represents the relative importance of this factor in valuing Jobs within your organization. A Point Table can have any maximum value desired dependent on weighting of each factor, as in the Standard HCI Point Table, if the sub-factor weights add up to 100, the Point Table will be based on a 1000-point scale. Each sub-factor level is then attributed a point value which is usually based on the number of levels and weight. Each Subfactor will have a maximum value of the “weight” multiplied a factor of 10, the levels with in each sub-factor values are then distributed based on different mathematical formulas or custom values.
After each sub-factor has been determined the sub-factor rationale points are created / applied, depending on the sub-factor, each level can have multiple rationale points, these are separated on to individual lines thus enabling half-point rationale when evaluating jobs (see evaluations). Sometimes, sub-factors may have explicit half levels rationales which can be turned on within the rationale page.
Once you have added all your sub-factors and rationale your project is ready to move forward. Note, changing weightings, point values and / or rationale after your project has been finalized, may invalidate future or past evaluations and thus pay equity results, hence is not advisable to change your Point Table once your project is finalized.